Thursday, November 13, 2014

Three Things Thursday

1. Brrrrr! 
A cold front moved in on Monday, and to say it's been cold would be a severe understatement. It was -17 degrees this morning. It's literally too cold to leave the house, and Rory and I both have cabin fever. There's only so much Baby Einstein I can take and Rory's attention span is that of year old. It's been rough. Even though it's still super cold, we're going to brave the freezing temperatures and head to the library or Target or anywhere but here.

Marli is not having quite as much fun as Rory. 

2. Skidders
Isn't it funny how other moms always seem to give the most practical/usable gifts? My friend Karla has two boys and asked me what Rory needed for her birthday. Rory doesn't like wearing shoes, but her socks make her slip on the hardwood in our house, so I asked for some socks with grips on the bottom. Karla, the all-knowing super mom, gave us something even better: Skidders.
They're reminiscent of water shoes, except much cuter. They have a super-grippy, rubber bottom (good for snow and ice), and a soft, stretchy top. They are tight enough that they stay on, but comfortable enough that Rory doesn't stage a sit-in every time I put them on. Plus, they're way cute and come in lots of different styles and designs. I definitely plan on buying a few extra pair.

Rory has these "mary-jane" style skidders in a purple chevron pattern.

3.Internet Karma
Remember when I bragged said that Rory eats whatever we put in front of her? Yeah, not anymore. I should have known better than to put that in print...and on the internet where everyone can see it. Everyone knows that internet karma is the most vicious of all karma. She's been spitting out everything that's not a fruit or some sort of chip. It's great that she's eating fruit, but fruit only has so many nutrients, and it's not especially filling. I'm not sure how she's still standing at this point. So far today she's had about 1 cup of raspberries, a half a banana, a grape/apple pouch from Starbucks, and 5 blackberries. She's spit out blueberry yogurt, turkey, green beans, a chicken quesadilla, and a raspberry oatmeal muffin. So, now that I've written about what a terrible eater Rory is, perhaps the internet karma Gods will take pity on me?

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