Thursday, November 6, 2014

Christmas Photo Shoot

I have yet to get professional photos taken of Rory. I was going to do newborn photos, but then my eyes felt like sandpaper and I could barely remember to brush my teeth, let alone schedule an appointment. By the time I felt like I could manage leaving the house without having a panic attack, Rory had a pretty bad case of baby acne. Plus, we take so many pictures on our phones, and I'm a firm believer that the best photos are candid ones. (There's nothing candid about a family wearing matching sweaters and smiling identical smiles throwing leaves into the air on a perfect fall day. I may believe it if one of the kids is missing a shoe and the other one is throwing an enormous fit because a leaf landed in her hair.) Also, I'm cheap, so there's that.

So, when it came time to take our Christmas card photo, I scoured Pinterest for ideas we could do at home without the help of a professional photographer. Marcos' sister let us borrow her nice camera when Rory was born, and we've been using it to take her monthly photos. It makes a big difference when it comes to the quality of the shot. I figured we really only needed one good photo for the card, so the odds were in our favor. We took photos on two separate days and got some pretty good shots. I used wrapping paper as the "backdrop" and borrowed a Santa hat from our neighbor. Marcos edited the ones we used for our card. Here are some of my favorites (pre-Photoshop):

One of my favorite holiday books. 


Best friends?

This picture happened by accident. We were trying to get a shot of her standing in the gift bag, but she fell over, and her concerned father kept snapping away.

This may be my favorite. 

And some of our Pinterest fails:

Marli wasn't a fan of the Santa hat... 
...And Rory wasn't either.

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