Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How Rory Celebrated her First Birthday

Here's a breakdown of how Rory spent her birthday weekend:

1.Listening to her mom sing, "Go Rory! It's your birthday! We're gonna party like it's your birthday!", over and over again. (I swear I saw her roll her eyes.)

2. Getting her flu shot. (What? It was the only time her doctor could fit her in!)

3. Refusing to nap.

4. Tasting her first truffle fry and her first sugar cookie. (She was a fan of both.)

5. Spitting out the banana-Greek yogurt-applesauce cake I made.

6. Playing with the boxes that all of her gifts came in.

7. Listening to the check-out lady at the grocery store say, "Happy Birthday, Laurie!". (I corrected her three times before I began singing Frozen's "Let it Go" under my breath.)

8. Torturing Marli with her birthday balloons.

All in all, it was a great first birthday. (Except for the shot.)

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