Friday, February 6, 2015

Things That Don't Matter When Your Baby is Having An Allergic Reaction

1. Leaving story time before it starts

2. Obeying the speed limit

3. Red Benadryl on a white carpet

4. Parking in a handicap spot without a permit

5. Leaving your purse in an unlocked car

6. Crying in front of the doctor

7. Getting thrown up on

8. Natural remedies


  1. What happened? Poor Rory! My worst nightmare. Is everything okay?

    1. Bu, she's allergic to egg:( Apparently it's pretty common...some kids don't develop the enzymes to digest egg white until around 3. Has Noah had eggs yet?

    2. Yes, he likes scrambled eggs. Seems to be okay so far. Poor Rory! Glad to hear she is better. Can she have eggs in things? Like if a product is made with egg? Or does everything she eat have to be egg free?

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! She's much better. How are you and baby Jace doing??
