Thursday, August 21, 2014

Three Things Thursday

1. Don't cry over spoiled milk. 

Marcos asked me to get more milk at the grocery store yesterday, and I did...the problem is it never made it in the house. I guess between taking Rory out of her carseat and making sure I didn't spill my iced coffee, I forgot the groceries in the car. Good thing it's trash day.

Milk that's been sitting in our hot car for over 24 hours. 

Get it together, mom. 

2. "So, they're just toy logs?"

This is the conversation that occurred between Marcos and me last weekend when I got home from the consignment sale.

Marcos: How much did you spend?

Marcos' Loving, Money-Saving Wife: That's not important. What's important is that Rory has lots of new, imagination-inspiring toys...including a huge bin of Lincoln Logs that I scored for six bucks.

M: What are Lincoln Logs?

MLMSW: Excuse me? You've never played with Lincoln Logs?!

M: I grew up in Brazil. I had never played Candy Land before until two years ago when you forced me to play....after the kids you were babysitting went to bed.

MLMSW: You were so deprived. It's a good thing you have a wife like me who cares enough about you to make sure you don't miss out on some of life's most important moments, like your first trip through the Candy Cane Forest.

M: (Peering at the container of Lincoln Logs) Wait, so they're just toy logs? What do you do with them? I'm not sure I understand the appeal.

MLMSW: You bite your tongue! This is a classic American toy. Rory will spend hours using them to construct all kinds of things.

M: Okay, but they seem pretty lame.

Fast forward to two days later at 9 pm. (Rory has been asleep for two hours.)

Lame, indeed.

3. Yay for fall! 
Starbucks just announced that they're releasing their Pumpkin Spice Latte early this year due to the unusually chilly temperatures all over the country. I, for one, cannot wait!

Autumn in a cup. 

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