Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What We've Been...


I just checked out Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan from the library and intended to give it to Marcos in hopes that it may incite a hidden passion for literature (he's not much of a reader, but loves comedy); however, I made the mistake of reading the first chapter (I'm like a heroin addict when it comes to books: just a little isn't going to hurt.), and I haven't been able to put it down since. The whole book is about Gaffigan's observations about parenthood, a topic on which he has some authority considering he's a father of five living in a two bedroom apartment in NYC. I have literally laughed out loud through the entire book so far.

I recently read Wonder by R.J. Palacio, and it is one of the best books I've read in a long while. It's young adult and written in first person through the eyes of several different characters, all of which are connected in some way to August, a fifth-grader who was born with a severe facial abnormality. There is a quote from the book that has really stuck with me: Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.

Cinammon rolls! I've been wanting to try making my own cinnamon rolls for awhile now, but I couldn't seem to find a recipe that didn't involve yeast or buttermilk (both of which freak me out a little). Finally, I found this one: http://www.food.com/recipe/quick-cinnamon-rolls-no-yeast-293243, and they turned out great. I baked them in cupcake liners so they would be easy to give away to our neighbors. (I love to bake, but I have no self-control when it comes to sweets, so I inevitably give away the fruits of my labor to unsuspecting neighbors. Sometimes I just leave a plate of treats on their front porch and send them a text. Left cheesecake next to tricycle. Have fun getting fat.)

Internet Stalking
This kitchen helper from Amazon:

It's true what they say...the kitchen is the heart of the home. I'm constantly
cleaning/cooking/scrubbing stains in the kitchen, and Rory is constantly pulling on my leg/begging to be picked up/making stains in the kitchen. I would love for her to "help" me cook, or at least be able to see what's going on, and since setting a child on the counter isn't considered "safe", I feel like this would be the perfect solution to the 4 o'clock blues. (When I need to cook dinner and Rory needs to keep me from cooking dinner.) It's solid wood and folds up for easy storage. The only problem? It's $150. Kitchen helper people, if you're reading this, I would love to review this product on my blog if you would like to send me one. I'm sure my sister, my three friends, and the handful of people who are accidentally directed to this site would love to read about it.

I found an old wooden sewing table for $20 on an online garage sale, and I plan to turn it into a bar. I found some inspiration on Pinterest:

I'm going to seal it with all-weather seal once I paint it so that I can use it inside and outside. (Note to self: I must also purchase a small chalkboard to use with my sewing table bar.)

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