Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Rory Keiko: 11 Month Update

 Dear Rory,

This has been a month full of fun, learning, and adventures. You went on your first trip, said your first words, and took your first steps! I say this every month, but watching you grow and learn brings me so much joy.

You don't sit still very long anymore, and you are into everything. We're in full baby-proofing mode. You're favorite toys right now are your peek-a-boo blocks and anything stuffed. Mommy found a bag of finger puppets at a consignment sale, and you can't get enough of them. Sometimes Marli thinks they are her toys, and you and her get in an old fashioned tug-of-war contest. (I'm sorry to say that you usually lose.) You also enjoy rides in your tricycle and trips to the park to see the chickens.

It's amazing how quickly you are learning. Daddy has taught you to point to your nariz (nose) and your "boca" (mouth). You can make elephant and horse noises, and you point to animals in your books, waiting for mommy or daddy to make the right sounds. You are understanding so much of what we say and you have become so observant. You point to pretty much everything, and you're not satisfied until we let you touch, feel, taste, and smell whatever catches your interest.

You love staying with Amanda and playing with the neighbor boys, but you're not a big fan of the nursery drop-off at the gym. Just yesterday I had to end my workout early because you wouldn't stop crying.

Your greatest love (besides daddy) is music. If you hear anything that even half-way resembles a beat, you start to dance. Just the other day, I was banging two blocks together, and you started moving your head from side to side in rhythm to the makeshift beat I had created. It doesn't matter what kind of music it is (nursery rhymes, country, daddy's horrible techno music), you can move to it.

Your personality is becoming stronger, and it's fun to see what traits you've inherited from me and which ones come from your dad. You become frustrated easily (me) and you love to talk (also me). You love to play with any type of ball (dad) and you are almost always in a good mood (definitely dad).

When I look at you, I don't see a baby anymore. You have six teeth, drink from a sippy cup, and have hair long enough for a small pony tail. And in one month, you will officially be a toddler. Rory, you have made me a better person and the world a better place. I love you to the moon and back.

We have to keep the bathroom door closed so you don't see your bath and get to get in the tub.
Boxes: Every child's favorite toy.
Hanging out in the laundry basket.
Proof that you're Irish. There is now a lock on the liquor cabinet.
Playing in the tunnel at story time.
It's fall!
Your favorite thing at the playground.
Happy baby!
Hanging with Chili in Wyoming during our visit to Auntie Karla's house. 

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