Friday, October 24, 2014

30 Things Rory Should Know About Me: Part 9

List ten people who have influenced/inspired you.


Narrowing this list down to ten people is pretty much impossible. So many people have influenced me...from my kindergarten teacher to the president of the United States. (Let me be clear...I'm talking about Bush, not Obama.) Some of these people I've never met, some I've known my whole life, and some I knew for only a short time. But the one thing that all of these people have in common is that they possess qualities that I admire. They are hard-working, selfless, courageous people. There are the usual suspects, like my parents (Yes, your grandparents influenced me, how could they not? They practically raised me), my college professors, and Kate Middleton. (She makes me want to dress better. And speak with a British accent.)

But mostly, my influence comes from everyday people with extraordinary strength, devotion, and dedication. Qualities that I hope to pass onto you. To me, there is nothing more inspiring and influential than someone who devotes their life to a cause that they truly believe in. I don't have to agree with the cause to find that kind of dedication admirable. Selflessness is something I struggle with, so I truly admire those who put others before themselves.

Hard work is another character trait I admire. I love hearing stories about people who overcome unbelievable odds to accomplish their goals, like marathon runners who were told they would never walk or a Harvard graduate who grew up on the streets. People who use setback and rejection as motivation serve as the best role models.

I'm all about cheering for the underdog (unless the underdog happens to be the Dallas Cowboys), and I love all sports movies, even though the plot is always the same: A rag tag team who no one believes in ends up winning the gold medal/super bowl/world series/little league championship with the help of an inspirational coach and some old fashioned hard work. Gets me every time. (If you've never seen Cool Runnings, Miracle on Ice, or The Mighty Ducks, stop reading this right now and go binge watch all three.) These stories don't make me want to train for the Olympics (I mean, seriously, have you seen me throw a ball?), they just inspire me to work hard and help me realize that nothing is impossible.

Okay, okay, get to the list, already.

1. Soldiers, Fire Fighters, Police Officers, etc.
I greatly admire anyone who has ever served in any branch of our military. There is nothing more selfless than sacrificing your life for the freedom/safety of others. I feel so strongly about this that if your school doesn't make Veteran's Day a holiday, you will be staying home that day in honor of the men and women who have died for our country.

2. Anyone who has worked hard to achieve their dreams. 
I know this includes a lot of people, but I can't narrow it down to a few specific names, because I have been influenced by so many stories of single parents, immigrants, and people born with disabilities and financial hardships who overcame obstacles and persevered. Rory, never ever underestimate the power of hard work.

3. Those who stand up for what they believe in.
There are lots of examples of this: People who defied their parents/religion/culture to do what they believed to be the right thing. It happens everyday, from teenagers standing up to bullying, to citizens of war torn countries risking their lives to protect the rights of others. Not everyone can change the world, but I admire those who strive to make a difference in even just one person's life.

4. Parents
Except for the few awful parents out there, I admire anyone who has raised a child, especially those who do it alone. I realize now how difficult it is to bring a child into this world and mold them into productive members of society. Being a parent means you are always putting someone else before yourself- it is the ultimate act of selflessness. To say that you would die for someone and actually mean it, well, that's pretty admirable.

5. Teachers
Maybe I only feel this way because I was a teacher, but no one works harder than them. Teachers spend hours upon hours planning, grading, and worrying about the well-being of their students. They get paid next to nothing, but they love what they do. It's been said that the difference between resilient and non-resilient children is having one person who believes in them, and most of the time that one person was a teacher. A teacher's main job is to relay information, but they also inspire, encourage, and challenge. I hope that you have teachers who you will remember long after you leave their classrooms.

6. People who take action
Anyone can talk about the injustices of the world, but it takes a bigger person to actually do something about it. Starting a non-profit, donating time and money, or traveling to impoverished countries to help others with less resources are all actions that can be taken to help others. I am amazed when I hear about people who dedicate their entire lives to help others or champion a cause. Take Jane Goodall, for example. If she had chosen to simply complain about our lack of knowledge and treatment of the chimps over biscuits and tea (she's British), we wouldn't have the information or conservation efforts we have today.

7. People who have treated me badly
People can either have a positive influence on you, or a negative one. Unfortunately, there will be people in your life who treat you badly and make you question your beliefs, but it is up to you to turn negative experiences into important life lessons. Going through some of the hardest times in my life have helped me realize how important it is to treat others with kindness and respect. I have realized what kind of person I don't want to be, and more importantly, what kind of person I don't want to raise you to become. Every experience and every relationship, whether it be good or bad, has the potential to help you grow.

8. Positive People 
I am very much a cynic realist, so I truly admire people who see the glass as half full and turn awful situations into positive experiences. People who view terminal illness, physical handicaps, or tragic events as an opportunity to make a positive impact on the world definitely have my respect and admiration.

9. George W. Bush
I mean, come on....

10. You
Rory, you more than anyone, have influenced and inspired me. I pray everyday that I can be someone you admire and look up to. I hope to be an example of kindness, courage, and perseverance.You make me want to be a better person and make the world a better place. And I hope that one day when asked who has inspired you, I am the first person who comes to mind.

I think I included 99.9% of the world population in the list above, so if I didn't mention you by name, don't worry, I'm pretty sure you fit into one of these categories.

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